

31 Movies of May

31 Movies of May

Since its creation, this website has been updated approximately once per year. This month, I’m changing that up for a good cause. For the month of May, I’m going to be watching a different movie every day and writing about it. Several of those movie selections have been auctioned off for $20 a piece, with all of the money going to the Chicago Cinema Workers Fund, which provides grants to employees of Chicago area movie theaters who are now out of work because of the pandemic. 

I’m generally going to be making these up as I go along - some of these posts will be reviews, some of them might be think pieces broadly inspired by the movies I watch, some might just be joke riffs that I follow until well beyond their logical conclusion. I hope to have some fun with this, and hopefully the two or three people who read this will enjoy this too.

Thank you to everybody who donated! If you’d like to contribute additional help to the Chicago Cinema Workers Fund, donations can be made here.

31 Movies of May, Day 1: Homeward Bound

31 Movies of May, Day 1: Homeward Bound

Every Movie I Saw in 2019

Every Movie I Saw in 2019